What is focal length in photography? A guide for beginners

Nikon Team Technologie und Know-how02 Feb. 20247 Minuten Lesezeit
Focal length assert for our guide to understanding focal length for Nikon magazine.

The focal length of a lens is the optical distance from the point where the light meets inside the lens to the camera’s sensor. What difference does this make? Read our handy guide to be in the know

What is focal length?

Camera lenses are usually described by two main factors: one is the aperture or f-number (the maximum size of the hole where light gets through to the sensor, where the lower the number, the bigger the hole). The other is focal length, which is in millimetres. You will usually see lenses described by focal length first and then aperture, for example 85mm f/1.8.


If you had a simple lens made of a tube with one piece of optical glass at the front that focused the incoming light rays on a point at the back of the tube, the length of the tube would be the focal length of the lens. Modern lenses, however, use lots of different pieces of glass inside the casing to move light around before it hits the sensor and therefore focal length has nothing to do with the physical length of your lens. You can find two 85mm lenses that are completely different in size while, for example, the new NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S is less than 300mm in length.

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The most important thing about focal length, however, is not what it is, but what it does. Focal length defines two main things about any lens: its magnification and its angle of view.


What is angle of view and magnification?

Angle of view is how much of the scene your lens will capture from side to side (holding the camera horizontally). A wide angle of view takes in a lot, a narrow angle of view less. Magnification is how ‘close’ you get to the subject of an image with the lens, like a telescope.


How do they affect the image?

As angle of view goes down, magnification goes up. For example, a 24mm lens has a wide angle of view (around 84 degrees) and low magnification – perfect for sprawling landscapes. A 600mm lens has a very narrow angle of view and large magnification – great for taking close up shots of faraway wildlife (especially useful when you don’t want to get too close to a lion!).


Check out these images of the same scene shot from the same position but with focal lengths from wide angle 24mm to telephoto 180mm and you can see how the angle of view gets narrower as the magnification gets larger.

How focal length impacts depth of field

But there’s more. Depth of field determines what part of the image is in focus going from front to back. Lenses with longer focal length tend to have a shallower depth of field, meaning you can focus on and separate (or isolate) a particular object far away, whereas shorter lenses have a deeper depth of field, which means you can get more objects in focus throughout the image.


Perspective and compression

The focal length of a lens also affects the perspective of an image. With a long lens, perspective tends to be compressed, with objects in the background appearing closer to the subject in the foreground, whereas with a wide-angle lens the relative distance between two appears greater.


One subject, three focal lengths

These images move from 200mm to 280mm then 400mm

How does crop factor affect focal length?

You should also bear in mind that focal length translates differently on a DX camera (such as the Nikon Z 30, Z 50 or Z fc) compared to an FX ‘full-frame’ camera because the sensor on a DX camera is 1.5 times smaller than the FX sensor. For example, if you put a 50mm lens on a DX camera, you will actually get the angle of view and magnification similar to an 75mm lens on an FX camera (because 50 x 1.5 =75).


The image below was shot using a Nikon Z 6II and NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/2.8 S with a focal length of 70mm. 

Understanding crop factor and focal length asset for Nikon magazine.
What lens is right for me?

Lens choice can often be difficult, especially with so many options in the Nikon Z mount range (and access to another 300 or so Nikon F mount lenses with the FTZ II converter). So, here’s a quick guide to the different focal lengths and what they often get used for to help you.


Prime or zoom?

There are two types of lenses: primes, which have a fixed focal length, and zooms, where the focal length is variable. Zooms are super-handy as you often only have to carry one lens around that will be capable of shooting lots of different subjects, from landscapes to portraits, so it’s great for travel. Prime lenses, however, are usually lighter and are often available with larger apertures than zooms.

Ultra-Weitwinkel: 8 mm bis 24 mm

Zu einem Objektiv mit einer Brennweite zwischen 8 mm und 24 mm sagt man in der Regel Ultraweitwinkelobjektiv. Man fängt damit riesigen Bildwinkel ein. Im Prinzip alles, was sich vor der Kamera befindet. Mit diesen Objektiven kann man seinem Motiv wirklich nahe kommen und eindrucksvoll gestalten. Ultraweitwinkel kommt außerdem oft in der Astrofotografie zum Einsatz. Bei sehr kurzen Brennweiten kommt es jedoch zu einer erheblichen Verzerrung an den Seiten des Bildes. Gerade Linien erscheinen gekrümmt. Der Umgang mit Ultraweitwinkelobjektiven ist nicht ganz einfach, aber es lohnt sich, denn sie liefern fantastische Ergebnisse.

Zum Beispiel: NIKKOR Z 20mm f/1.8 S, NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S, NIKKOR Z 17-28mm f/2.8, NIKKOR Z DX 12-28mm f/3.5-5.6 PZ VR

Das NIKKOR Z DX 12-28mm f/3.5-5.6 PZ VR auf einer Z‎ 30

Weitwinkel: 24 mm bis 35 mm

Von 24 mm bis 35 mm bezeichnet man Objektive als weitwinkelig. Diese werden von Landschafts-, Interieur- und Architekturfotograf:innen bevorzugt und sind nützlich für Straßenszenen und dramatische Bilder des Nachthimmels. Wenn man nah ans Motiv herangeht, kann man die Perspektive der Szene besonders betonen. Ein Weitwinkel-Objektiv ist großartig für die Reise: Landschaften, Stadtlandschaften, Menschen und vieles mehr.

Zum Beispiel: NIKKOR Z DX 24mm f/1.7, NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8, NIKKOR Z 28mm f/2.8, NIKKOR Z DX 16-50mm f/3.5-6.3 VR

Das NIKKOR DX 24mm f/1.7 auf der Nikon Z 30

Standard: 35 mm bis 70 mm

Bei 35 mm und 70 mm spricht man von Standard-Brennweite. Sie kommt dem ziemlich nah, was das menschliche Auge sieht. Fotografen sprechen gerne von der Eleganz eines 50-mm-Festbrennweitenobjektivs mit großer Blende, wie zum Beispiel dem NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 S. Ein 50-mm-Objektiv ist ein idealer Begleiter für den ganzen Tag und eignet sich für so viele verschiedene Arten von Aufnahmen, insbesondere bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen oder in Innenräumen. Dieser Objektivtyp ist auch ideal für eine geringe Tiefenschärfe mit tollem Bokeh.

Zum Beispiel diese: NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2, NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.8 S, NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 S, NIKKOR Z 28-75mm f/2.8

Landscape photography tutorial by Christophe Jacob advising on different lenses for landscape photography. He photographs the great outdoors and cities.
NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.8 S
Telephoto: 70mm and 200mm

Usually between 70mm and 200mm, a telephoto lens is a popular choice for portraiture and weddings (especially an 85mm focal length) and at the longer end is great for wildlife where you can’t get too close to the subject. At the longer end, a telephoto lens gives you the freedom to shoot as an observer where the subject is unaware of the camera, and so is also great for fly-on-the-wall, reportage-style shooting. This is also the focal length range for many macro lenses.


Try: NIKKOR Z 70-180mm f/2.8, NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.8 S, NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena, NIKKOR Z 70-200mm f/2.8 S, NIKKOR Z DX 50-250mm f/4.5-6.3 VR


NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena on the Nikon Z 8 | Still: Christian Ammann

Super-Tele: ab 300 mm aufwärts

Ab 300 mm sprechen wir von Supertele. Diese Objektive werden am häufigsten von Sport- und Tierfotografen verwendet, wo es unmöglich ist, dem Motiv richtig nah zu kommen. In diesem Bereich und mit einem so engen Bildwinkel ist es ratsam, ein Stativ zu verwenden, um die Kamerabewegung zu reduzieren (obwohl Nikons Bildstabilisator (VR) und VR-Objektive dabei helfen können). Fürs Stativ spricht aber noch ein weiterer Grund: Objektive mit so langen Brennweiten sind groß und schwer. Teleobjektive können mit einem Telekonverter kombiniert werden, der die Brennweite des Objektivs verdoppeln kann und so noch mehr Reichweite bietet.

Zum Beispiel: NIKKOR Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR

Bird photography by Ricci Chera for Nikon Magazine's Tried and Tested series. These photos were taken using the new NIKKOR Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR
NIKKOR Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR with the Nikon Z 8 | Still: Ricci Chera


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